Saturday, February 14, 2009

Channelling a Sun - Moon square aspect

For those that have a Sun square Moon it can be quite the stressing astrological aspect to possess but one that also thankfully possess an extraordinary potential for prompting evolution.The square aspect (or as it is sometimes known as; quadrature) between two planets shows us the existence of a strong internal conflict between the energies of the involved elements.

Any square to the Sun in a person chart is easily interpreted as a very weakening aspect for the persons sense of self because the person primary of source of energy (projected and assigned as the sun) is blocked or is not in resonance with the other planet energy.

This alignment presents itself with a resistance to self communication and expressions The Sun-Moon square is even more weakening than any other square because of the direct connection between those two elements.

With the Sun as our inner self, the consciousness, which is seen as the primary resource of our corporeal energy and the Moon represented by the subconscious in direct opposition to one another's flow the result is that the person with this aspect tends to be permanent unhappy and nothing that is doing bring her peace and happiness.

There is most often a sense of being trapped and bound in a situation that seems without exit or release: when they decided to do something in a willed Solar manner, knowing that this action is the best possible way to progress there is still a inner emotionally in-tune voice that resists this.

The same is also applicable if the person, utilising there Moon based intuitions is feeling something from the emotional point of view, the mental aspect of that person most often at first denies or delays realisation of it.

This situation may lead to destructive reactions and delayed actions...the person may project his internal conflict to the outside world and with the resistance to the emotional and mental cooperation they are most likely to present themselves as a rebel without a cause.

There is also a tendency to think that this internal problem may be caused and of blame to the external factors of friends, children, co-workers etc – which not only gives length to the conflict but guarantees that without review that the situation will remain unresolved. Like myself when

I first started this journey you may feel overly happy and secured that in your chart you don't have this aspect – but alas we may all never the less experience its lesson for a duration of a year through the medium of our solar return.

If you are among those that have the challenge of a Sun-Moon square in a SR chart then it is best to deal with this internal conflict as soon as it is known, or at the very lest make motions and preparations for engaging the challenge and transmuting it to something warmly in your favour.

I'm currently awaiting my own Solar Return with this aspect in is, so hopefully these words of received guidance will be more then just words but a remembrance that regardless of the flow of light the inner illumination is both a sun and lunar reflection onto itself.

The solution seems to consist of becoming increasingly more conscious about your self and about this inner conflict.

First thing to do is to accept it and becoming aware of which is an internal issue and what is a external conflict.

Any reflection of sorrow or stress is within us and not in itself of the outside world but more a by-product of our egos encounter of it. Therefore if we are to overcome such things we need to release any blame on others and remember that the domain of such emotions depends entirely on ourselves.Secondly; focus and concentration is a vital tool of ascending above this challange.

It is most often advised that we set our targets and priorities, making our decisions and not allowing ourselves to waste any more time on this process.

With any done action there is no way that they can be undone, so in assuming the responsibility of our actions and resisting the long and endless debate of "Would I of, Should I of, could I of" you ease the lunar and solar conflict and allow the true will to rise through the fluidity of motion.

This is of course not to say that debate and review is not important (as it it) but only when it is about growth and adjustment and not the self torture of endless second guesses.

And finally by starting to use the positive side of this aspect we can not only prevent it from being a burden but turn it into a beacon of future light.

The main strategy for this is to use any internal anger and lack of satisfaction on improving your situation (both spiritual and material).

The secret is to focus it on the productive area of your life and to apply with a sense of control.
Setting targets before starting something and not allowing yourself to divert from them until they accomplish the goal may be a frustrating idea – but in encountering such an aspect is one that unless encounters rare situations should be for the better part kept to.

Initially by denying the initial battle and conflict of Lunar and Solar energies we can win the war.
This ensures that the self can be allowed to grow to a more empowered state, which at a later stage will be far more established onto itself and secure in the engaging of this aspect – by turning a bane into a beauty we can not only tap into a deep sense of power and energy but can end a sense of conflict that undermines a potentially deeply rewarding life.

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